Become a Member!
The West Lane Place Civic Association is an all-volunteer, member-funded organization. We rely on membership dues and contributions to continue to provide important communication to our members and to act on behalf of West Lane Place residents in dealing with city ordinance, maintenance and other issues affecting our community. Please help us to continue these efforts by becoming a member or renewing your existing membership.
Membership in the association is open to persons who are eighteen years of age or older and are property owners or tenants living in the community.
Note: West Lane Place Civic Association is designated as a "civic" association and is not a "homeowners" association. Membership is voluntary and strongly encouraged.
Annual membership dues are just $25 per person; or $15 for persons 65 or older, payable in January each year. Complete the WLPCA membership application and pay online or download the form and mail it with your check to the address on the form
By-laws of the West Lane Place Civic Association as Amended 2008