Waste & Recycling
Tree Waste and Junk Waste Program
West Lane Place collection day is the 4th Wednesday of the month. You can check the latest WLPCA newsletter for a current schedule. Tree Waste months are January, March, May, July, September, and November.
“Tree Waste” is defined as “clean” wood waste such as tree limbs, branches, and stumps. Lumber, furniture, and treated wood will NOT be accepted. Junk Waste may NOT be placed for collection during a Tree Waste month.
Junk Waste months are February, April, June, August, October, and December.
Junk Waste” is defined as items such as furniture, appliances, and other bulky material. Tree Waste is accepted during Junk Waste Months; however, to ensure your Tree Waste is recycled, you may hold your tree waste materials until the next Tree Waste designated month or take it to a Neighborhood Depository/Recycling Center.
Additional information is available at the City of Houston website http://www.houstontx.gov/solidwaste/treewaste.html
WLPCA is an all-volunteer, member-funded civic association. Member support allows us to provide important and timely communication to West Lane Place residents and to act on behalf of our community when dealing with city ordinance, maintenance and other issues.
Please help us to continue these efforts by becoming a member or renewing your current membership. Annual membership dues are just $25 or $15 for members 65 or older, payable in January.